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來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 作者:中考網(wǎng)整理 2019-07-30 14:05:15



a bit expensive 有點(diǎn)貴

a bottle/glass of 一瓶/杯

a farm worker (=farmer) 農(nóng)民

a line of mountains 一條山脈

a moment later 過了片刻

a piece of bread 一塊面包

a quarter to/past six 六點(diǎn)差/過一刻

a red-letter day 喜慶日子

a telephone call for sb. 某人的電話

above zero 零度以上

agree with 同意某人

all by oneself 全靠自己......

a bit expensive 有點(diǎn)貴

a bottle/glass of 一瓶/杯

a farm worker (=farmer) 農(nóng)民

a line of mountains 一條山脈

a moment later 過了片刻

a piece of bread 一塊面包

a quarter to/past six 六點(diǎn)差/過一刻

a red-letter day 喜慶日子

a telephone call for sb. 某人的電話

above zero 零度以上

agree with 同意某人

all by oneself 全靠自己

all day 一整天

all over the world 全世界

all the afternoon 整個下午

all the same 同樣地,都一樣

all the time 一直

almost the whole day 幾乎一整天

answer the telephone 接電話

Are we all here? 我們都到齊了嗎

as quickly as you can (你要)盡可能快

as soon as I can/as possible (我)盡可早

as usual 與往常一樣

at a bad time of year 在年景不好時

at first 起先

at last 最后

at noon 在中午

at once 立即

at one's workplace 在工地

at school 在學(xué)校

at the (third) crossing 在第三個路口

at the back/front of the classroom 在教室的前/后頭

at the beginning of 在...伊始

at the cinema 在電影院

at the end of 在...結(jié)束時

at the foot of 在...(山)腳下

at the head of the queue(the first of queue) 在隊(duì)伍的前頭

at the moment 在此刻

at the same time 與時同時

at the side of road 在路旁

at this time of year 在一年中的這時候

at times 不時

at work 在上班

Bad Luck! 倒霉

be (a little) weak in ... 在...差/弱

be angry with 對...生氣

be badly hurt 受重傷

be covered by /with 由...覆蓋

be good at boating 擅長劃船

be good or bad for (one's health) 對...有利/害 #p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#

be in trouble 處在困境,有麻煩

be late for ...遲到

be made of 由...制作

be neck and neck 與...齊頭并進(jìn)

be open/closed at this time of day 一天中的這時候開/關(guān)著

be terribly ill 生重病

be the right size 尺寸合適

be used for = used as 被用來做

be widely used 得到廣泛運(yùn)用

be worn out 被穿破, 累壞了

be/feel worried about 對...擔(dān)心

become/be/feel interested in 對...感興趣

before the sun rose = before it was light 在日出前

Best wishes (for...)! 謹(jǐn)祝...

Better late than never. 亡羊補(bǔ)牢(猶未遲)

break down (機(jī)器/車...)出故障

business hours 營業(yè)時間

by the end of 到...結(jié)束時

by the way 順便說說

by then 到那時

call me Jim for short 簡稱我為Jim

Can I take a message 我可以捎個話嗎

Can you describe it? 你能描繪一下嗎

Can you spell it? 你能拼寫它嗎

Can you tell me the way to...? 你能告訴我去....怎么走嗎

can't wait to do... 迫不及待去做...

catch a bus 趕公車

catch a cough /headache 患感冒/頭痛

catch up with 趕上

change one's mind 改變主意

Chinese take-aways 中餐/國外賣

Christmas Day 圣誕日

Classes are over at 5 課5點(diǎn)結(jié)束

clothing shop 成衣店

come / get back 回來

Come along = come on. 快點(diǎn)

come and meet sb. 來見某人

come down/up the ladder 順著樓梯下/上

come round the corner 從(街)角拐了過來

come round to dinner 過來(我家)吃飯

come straight to ... 徑直...到跟前

come with me = follow me 跟我來

Congratulations! (to sb. on sth.) 祝賀(某人某事)

copy one's example 模仿某人(樣子)

cry harder and harder 哭得越來越兇

cut down 砍倒

Did you have a good journey? 你旅途愉快嗎

different kinds of 不同種類的

do housework/homework 做家務(wù)

do one's best 盡某人所能

do the washing/shopping 洗洗涮涮

do well in ...做得好

Do you know the English for ...? 你知道...英語怎么說?

Do you want a go? 你想試一試嗎

Don't crowd around sb. 別圍觀某人

Don't worry. 別擔(dān)心 #p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#

draw some pictures 畫些圖畫

dress up (in a red coat) 打扮好

drop maths 數(shù)學(xué)沒學(xué)好(drop)

early in the morning 大清早

ever since 自從

every five minutes 每隔五分鐘

every time sb. ... 每 當(dāng)某人...

eye exercises (c.f. Exercise is good for ...) 眼保健操

fail (in) an exam 考試不及格

fall asleep 入睡

fall behind 落后

fall off 從...掉下

fall over / down. 倒下

family name / full name given name=first name 姓 / 全名 /名

family photo 全家福(照片) far away/furthest from... 遠(yuǎn)離/離...更遠(yuǎn)

Father Christmas 圣誕老人

fell a little afraid of / tired 感覺有點(diǎn)害怕 / 累

fight about 為...而戰(zhàn)

fill ... with... 用... 裝...

find one's way to 找到....的去路

find out 查明

fish and chips 魚條(店)

follow sb. to see sth. 跟著某人去做...

for example 例如

for long (持續(xù))很長時間

from now on 從今以后 #p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#

gate keeper 門房

get down (from a tree) 從... (樹上)下來

get dressed 穿好衣服

get on very well with 與...相處很好/進(jìn)展順利

get on/off a bus./get on with sb. 上/下公共汽車

get out of/into (a car/lift) 上/下小汽車/電梯

get ready for... /lost/warm... 為...作好準(zhǔn)備, 迷路,變暖

get sb. some tea 為...備好茶

get sth. back 討回

give a talk on 作...報告

give one's best wishes to ... 向某人表示最良好的祝福

give sb. a ring/=call 給某人打電話

give sb. the message 給某人口信

give sth. back 歸還

Glad to see/meet you(again)! (很)高興見到你

go on doing sth. 接著做...

go skating/shopping 去滑冰/購物

go to hospital/sleepgo to see a doctor 去看病/入睡

grow rice 種稻米

Hands up / down! 舉起/放下手來

Happy New Year! The same to you! 新年快樂! 也祝你新年快樂

Happy Teachers' Day! 教師節(jié)快樂

hate travelling = hate travelling 討厭旅行

have a big smile/a baby 開懷大笑, 生小孩have a drink of orange 喝一些橙汁

have a party/pinic/swim/test/wash 舉辦晚會/野餐/游泳/測試/洗澡

have an accident 出事故

have beautiful sunshine every day 每天陽光燦爛

have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner/a meal 吃早餐/午飯/晚飯/一頓飯

have our big family get-together 我們一家子大團(tuán)圓

Have you ever been to ...? 你去過....?

Have you got a moment? I'd like to... 你有空嗎? 我想...

hear from sb. 收到...的信

help oneself to 請吃...

help sb. with the apple-picking /the washing 幫...采摘蘋果/洗涮

Help! 救命

Here it is! / Here you are! 給你

Here, (Let's) have a go. (讓我們)試一下

He's out at the moment. 此刻他外出. hold a sport meeting 舉辦運(yùn)動會

hold on (the line) (for a moment), please 請稍等(別掛電話)

home town 家鄉(xiāng)

How can I get there? 我該怎么去哪兒

How do you spell it? 它怎么拼寫

How do you usually come to school? 你通常是怎么來學(xué)校的

How far is it? 它(離這)有多遠(yuǎn)

How many floors does the building have? 這座建筑物有幾層

How time flies! 時間過得多快

hundreds of 幾百個

hurry off 急著趕車

hurry up 快點(diǎn) #p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#

I am feeling thirsty 我感到渴

I don't feel very well/terrible. 我身體不舒服

I don't think I will take it(= have it) 我想我不會買

I feel the same 我也有同感

I had a quick breakfast 我很快吃完早飯I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切順利

I like to keep busy. 我喜歡忙碌

I told him the whole story 我告訴他事情的始末

I'd like you to meet... 我想你認(rèn)識一下...

if you wish. 如果你愿意

ill in bed/hospital 生病臥床/住院

I'm coming now. 我馬上就要來了

I'm so glad 我非常高興

I'm sorry to hear that. 聽到這我很抱歉

I'm sorry to trouble you. 很抱歉打擾你

in a few year's time 過了一年時間

in front of / in the front of 在...前面/部

in line/queue (排成)一列/隊(duì)

in red hat (戴)著紅帽子

in surprise 驚訝地

in the back/front row 在后/前排

in the centre of the town 在市中心

in the day-time 在白天

in the end 最終

in the middle of the day = at noon 在中午

in the open air / the old days 在戶外/在過去in the picture 在畫上

in the tree (a kite...) 在樹上

in time ( for...) 正趕上

in/around/all over the world 在世界上/在全世界

Is everyone here today? 每個人都來了嗎

It comes and goes very quickly 它來得急也去得快

It feels strange to have a twin sister. 有個孿生妹妹感覺怪怪的

it is harvest time 這是收獲季節(jié)

It was a draw (=close game) 這是場拉據(jù)戰(zhàn)

It was only a joke. 這只是個玩笑

It's ... meters long / wide /deep /high. 它是....米長/寬/深/高

It's a bad line. =I can't hear you clearly. 這(電話)線路不好

It's a fine day for a walk. 這是個散步的好日子

It's a pleasure. 這是我樂意做的事(不用謝)

It's about ... minutes by bike / on foot. 去...


It's about 30 meters along on the left. 它在前頭30米靠左的地方

It's better to give than to receive 奉獻(xiàn)比索取好

It's getting late. 時候不早了

It's going to be warmer later on 晚些時候天氣將會暖和些

It's like new again!(=in perfect condition) 它又象新的了

It's nothing serious. 沒什么大不了的事

It's really nice of you! 你真好心(太感謝你了) #p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#

It's time to go home 該回家了

It's your turn now. 輪到你了

I've lived here all my life. 我在此住了一輩了

I've never heard of that before! 我從未聽到這件事

I've no idea. 我不知道

Jesus of Christ 耶穌基督

jump into 跳入

jump the queue 插隊(duì)

Just a moment, please./Just then 請稍等/就在那時

Just right.(= just suitable) 正好,正合適

keep healthy / fit 保持身體健康

keep everything clean and tidy 保持一切干凈整潔

keep on doing... 堅(jiān)持做...

keep one's eyes open / closed 保持眼睛睜開/閉著

keep one's eyes safe 保持眼睛安全

kick a goal 踢進(jìn)一個球

knock at/...into... /down 敲門/撞上/撞倒

laugh at one's mistake 嘲笑某人的錯誤

League member/match 共青團(tuán)員

learn by oneself 自學(xué)

leave a message 留個口信

leave sb. by himself 讓某人獨(dú)處,不理會某人

leave school (c.f. school-leavers) 畢業(yè)

Let me call your names. 讓我來點(diǎn)名

Let me have a look? 讓我來看看

Let me see. 讓我想想

country 住在鄉(xiāng)下

look after / for /out 照顧 / 尋找 /小心

look around = round 環(huán)顧左右

look at oneself in a mirror 照鏡子

look into the river 往河里看

look like 看起來象

look over (=inspect or examine) 仔細(xì)查看

look the same 看起來一樣的

make a mistake 犯錯誤

make faces 做鬼臉

make friends with 與...交友

make problems. 制造困難

make sb. stop crying 使...不再哭

make sure that you ... 確信你

make tea 泡茶

make telephone calls 打電話

man-made satellite 人造衛(wèi)星

map of China 中國地圖

May I see your ticket? 請出示你的(車)票好嗎


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